Language instruction

Language instruction


Our courses are designed for both beginners and people at higher levels of proficiency in Polish.


The participants who declare themselves beginners will automatically be assigned into the beginners' group. However, participants who state some knowledge of Polish in their registration form will be given a test on the first day of the course. Depending on the test results, they will be assigned to groups of appropriate language levels.


During every two-week session there are usually 3-7 groups at different levels of proficiency. The maximum number of students in a group is 8.  


Size of the groups and daily number of classes

The course comprises two to five units of language lessons a day (45 minutes each).

Due to the fact that in small groups the intensity of learning is much higher, the daily number of lessons depends on the number of students: 


4-8 students in a group - 4 language lessons daily

2-3 students in a group - 3 language lessons daily

1 student in a group - 2 language lessons daily

Students who find themselves in a group that has fewer than 5 daily language lessons have the following possibilities to increase their daily number of lessons:

  • buying additional lessons by the whole group at a price of 6-12€ / lesson (45 minutes) / each group member;
  • buying individual lessons at a preferential price of €19/lesson.  


Course schedule
Lessons are held from Monday through Friday.
At the end of the course each participant will receive a diploma confirming completion of the course.
The detailed schedule is as follows:

• first Sunday:

• first Monday: 

Levelling interview

Lessons of the Polish language

• Monday to Friday:

Lessons of the Polish language

• last Friday:

Last lesson and distribution of diplomas

• last Saturday:


Polsko-Niemieckie Towarzystwo Akademickie
ul. Bronowicka 37
30-091 Kraków
Tel.: 0048/12/307 30 41
Tel.: 0048/ 518 158 901
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